March 30, 2010

Home sweet home....

After not quite 11 weeks we are home from touring.

I should be sleeping but just popping in here real quick.

March 13, 2010

March 06, 2010

Thank you, Lord for friends.

It's been CHILLY here in Florida but it's been lovely!

They have TONS of peach trees here.

: ) We're off to sing approximately 2 hours from "home" today. It's funny how this place is being labeled "home" now. I think we've been here a time or two. ; ) I have yet in venture into the pool. It's exceedingly cold! The river was warm yesterday but it's got alligators in it. :D

Blessings on your day!

March 03, 2010

Welcome to March! Oh. Oops. : ) I'm a *few* days late for that. ; ) Time is FLYING. I'm pretty sure before I know it the trip is going to be over...and all the wonderful friends I've made will be far away, all the good times will be pleasant memories and all the hardships overcome will be a reminder to us of God's faithfulness and love. It's all going to just be a memory...something fading and slipping away as we press forward...

What are you doing right now that will make a difference in the next hundred years?

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV

How often we strive for something to see immediate results? Let's make a difference for eternity, not just something that might be remembered 6 months from now, a year or ten years from now.

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17 NIV

For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For,
"All men are like grass,
and all their glory is
like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of the Lord stands forever."
1 Peter 1:23-25(a) NIV

This passage which is quoting Isaiah is one of my favorite captions to go with flower photos, because while flowers are gorgeous and God's workmanship they are fading. Reminding us again what is seen is temporary.
