We stacked 550-600 bales of hay. They had one more wagon stuffed to the brim we didn’t get to. They MADE us stop for supper. : P Hey, haying is tiring!
Let me tell you, the dust was horrific when a bale would bust open.
I learned about sink holes and found out the tighter you pack the bales the less likely you are to create a sink hole. They are not fun to fall into when you’re carrying a bale or trying to get from one side of the barn to another to unplug or unjam the baler. Nope.
This was right inside the barn.
Vincent took charge of the skid loader to move stray hay and sawdust.
We had down time between unloading the hay (the truck broke) so we did some other cool(er) things besides haying.
This is a dairy farm so we helped milk! That was fun...
While we all helped with milking, Nathan was the most experienced at the end of the day. Since he still isn’t allowed to exert himself he turned into the ‘right hand man’ there in the milking department.
And, what farm would be complete with out puppy dogs…
….baby cows.. (yeah, er, calves)
One of the calves kissed Bonnie…I’ll let her blog that one! She had to let it kiss her a couple times to get the pic, my shutter finger was too sloow.
And...*drum roll*... they had chickens! Here is one taking refuge from the broiling heat under our bus.
And, here’s where the new member of the household comes in.
Daniel caught him they gave him/her to us. We're not sure what it's name will be for sure yet. It's being called 'chickie', and 'the bird' until we know it's a boy or girl. I voted to name it Alice, but Hannah over ruled me.
Anyway, we’re having way too much fun with it! :-D
All and all it was a fun and productive trip. I’m just glad it’s not everyday we hay. ; )