January 27, 2006

I'm not sure how much of this is going to be a repeat of what Bonnie said in the family newsletter...if you're not subscribed go send her an email now. : )

We're in a parking lot in northern Florida right now.... we'll be on our way to Jacksonville tonight, Lord willing. The beach is right out the window here. It's kinda chilly with the wind but pretty.

We had a big weekend of concerts to start out tour, busy busy busy! The highlights of the weekend and following week as follows

1) We met the fun (and loud!) Kocher family in Pennsylvania! Read more about that here. We had a wonderful time hanging out with them. I can't believe we only live 6 hours from these folks! Yay!

2) We went to http://www.constitutioncenter.org/. We hardly ever go to museums so this was a treat! It was so neat to see the actually paintings of Ben Franklin, not just a print in a book. It was so, so much fun! The singing in a lobby was so cool! The acoustics in there were great! (Maybe that's why we (us + Kocher family) go an invitation to come back and do a concert?) Can you believe this, we're meet MORE musical families? Amazing.

3) We got to spend time with Aunt Josephine and some of her family in North Carolina

Prayer requests -

We all have colds. I felt like sleeping all day yesterday, in fact while we were driving around Wilmington, NC looking for Wal-Mart, Home Depot, a furniture store, and a music store that is exactly what I did. And of course I got a fever to go with it... I was having vivid hallucinations while trying to sleep last night and morning. LOL I would tell you what they were but I can't remember. You know how everything feels so weird when you're sick. We're suppose to sing Saturday and twice Sunday so keep us in your prayers!!!!! It might just be the MacDonald Family Instrumentalists (with Kleenex in hand) for the weekend.

Dad' has a tooth ache! :- (

Praise reports -

We ran out of diesel today right near the on ramp and a gas station!

We have met the sweetest people on this trip.

Wednesday night's church was very encouraging!

Bonnie is being so sweet and letting me use her computer. Thanks Bonnie!!

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