They are probably all dead now but we were in Indiana a while ago and they were still blooming. :)
It's hard to imagine how much SNOW the north got. So weird to think about snow in October. Bleh!
October 21, 2011
Brrrr! It's cold in Kentucky. The sun is finally shining and the cold wet rain is gone.
Snapped these fall leaves in between shooting a few little people!
Here are little Ronnie (l) and Andrew (r) cutting up... :)
Andrew being so sweet!
Ronnie charming the socks off us. :)
Anyway...lots of fun!
Till next time!
October 09, 2011
Lala laaaaaa....
I'm parked outside a church at the moment sucking up all this lovely wifi.
We had a nice time visiting granddad and Ellie. Granddad had a birthday today!
Hannah took this for Seth and I yesterday. Love that man.
Ok, the pastor came and unlocked the doors. Time to get unpacking. :)
October 06, 2011
I have about 7 minutes before supper! Eek!
So much going on on the road.... I've been sick but I'm getting better (yay), Seth and I saw a jacket that was Jimmy Stewart's, and I love being married!
Oh bummer. I can't get the picture of Seth and the jacket to load. And. I'm. Out. Of. Time. :D
See you down the road!
(Yes, this was a rather lame post. Please forgive me!)