Sitting here with a sweaty face and Bonnie's hot computer on my lap in my cozy bunk I'm reflecting on the beginning of our trip. God has had His hand on us and I'm so thankful. Before we even left the house I could see His protection. I was in a hurry to get Bonnie a message and as I leapt off the bus to deliver the message I missed the last step. I tumbled toward the cement steps attached to the porch. Spreading my hands to catch myself I found myself at eye level with the steps. I didn't realize how close it was since I only got two very tiny scratches on my hands and I had little to no pain. But dad saw me go down and told me that was very close. I missed knocking my teeth out by inches. I'll let you imagine all the hysteria, delay, expense that would have followed. So, how many times has God protected you and you didn't realize it? Interesting to think about. That was a great reminder to me God will be watching over us on this trip in ways I probably will never know.
So what else has happened? Our concerts seem to be going smoothly. Our newest arrangement, Brethren We Have Met To Worship, is coming together well. We forgot to bring the diesel tank for the generator. Of course we have to forget something. I'm just glad it was THAT and not the banjo. Right, Vincent?
:-) We can get another tank on our way....
Next day....
Oh we found another hotspot but blogger won't load, either a slow connection or a problem with blogger.
I guess you all won't read this until I can get this posted. Ha. (Duh...)
A few days later....
We're here in Columbus, Ohio. We've been here since Tuesday and have done 4 concerts. We have one more tonight and then we're off to Minnesota. This as been our Ohio debut! Our host Betty and Mart M. have been the sweetest and made us feel soooo welcome! We didn't know a soul in Columbus before this. So far we've had a wonderful reception. Betty worked very hard to get us concerts; being our 'agent' she and husband have been to every single concert. We also met the Barletts friends, the Crowes (sp?), who traveled 100 miles to come to the concert last night. When we pulled into Westerville Vincent said, 'Hey Westerville!'. He remembered Westerville from the tv show Bananas which is filmed in Easton, OH, at the Easton Town Center, in the Columbus area. So, we immediately felt a connection to Westerville! It's been funny to see all the companies around Columbus that are advertised on what was PAX51 (now GTN). We don't watch very much any more but it's funny how the commercials can stick with you! I don't think we thought we'd be visiting Columbus area this year. Ya never know where the Lord will lead...
Thankfully ALL the churches and retirement homes we sang at in Ohio had air conditioning! It's been a steamy high 80's and low 90's for the past few days. And we're been able to plug in at the church we've been parking at so we've had air running at night. It's amazing how much heat is generated in the bunk area. Bonnie told me get use to wearing the weather. lol.
We just got out of the most organized thrift store we've ever been to. Not only was it organized it was clean and well lit.
Mrs. M is a very very accomplished pianist and we were so inspired! I think I need to practice. Yep. What wonderful clean articulation and beautiful expression she has! Lets see I have, umm.... fifty four years to play that well. :-)
Right now the traffic is moving quite slow and we've got about 22 minutes to get to the concert. :-) The kids are all munching on ice pops. Speaking of sweet stuff we've got a boxes of cookies from the last two concerts. Temptations......lol. I think I'll gain about 20 lb before we get home! JK!! Oh look. The traffic jam was because the traffic lights were out....hummm. Dangerous.
And before I sign off....my Dad is the best bus driver in the whole wide world! :D
Oh and prayers are so needed! We've had a rough few days. Things seem to be looking look though. :-)
P.S. The concert tonight went great!
Pics....mostly from NY....
More pics of this week coming soon (??), I hope. :-)
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