This weekend was so busy. And, it was kinda busy today, too. We had unexpected, but very welcome, visit from Mr. Wid, followed by a birthday party for Hannah. I got home about an hour ago from work. (Longer now since this post is taking so long. lol) A nice quiet day is scheduled for tomorrow. : )
So starting our busy weekend was a concert in the park here in Orange. We had the MOST horrible technical problems. Why, oh WHY, must all our worst concerts be done in our home town?!! We had a lot of nice positive response. Folks were really nice about it. Turns out the fiber optic cable was bad but we didn’t figure that out until the middle of concert. Oh wellll…..
We left right after I was done at work we shipped off to Surry, NH. We parked in the church parking lot and the sun was shining and it was raining. It was an interesting combination which lead to this lovely rainbow. I stitched two photos together to get this.
Ok, this is a silly photo, but I though I’d share what my laptop looks like at night. lol I should send it in to the shop and get the screen cleaned. : P Since the cd drive is broken I really should send it in ASAP but….I haven’t gotten networked with Bonnie to save all my data (PHOTOS!) to Bonnie’s laptop. It sure wasn’t convenient that my external hard drive broke, too, otherwise I could transfer them to that. Anyway….
Next morning we sang under this tent.
The tent turned everyone blue…including Billy and Paula Speer.
This is what I might look like if you catch me concentrating really hard.
Bonnie’s getting sneaky with the camera. : P
We left and headed home..
Mt. Monadnock was beautiful…
I did a very poor job photographing from a moving vehicle, plus the power lines I cut didn’t help. Actually, I could have cloned them out but I’m trying to get this post finished not spend the next 2 years of my life editing photos….. : P
Sunday we had really nice time at Pilgrim Pines! We arrived in plenty of time and eat supper with them. It was pizza again, Sarah! : D
Bonnie’s yodeling brought the house down. Thankfully not literally because then we wouldn’t have been able to sing the encore. Mr. and Mrs. M came and so did Bonnie’s friend from the bluegrass forum. They traveled 90 miles just to hear us. :shocked: I shouldn’t be impressed after we’ve had folks travel 6 hours …however, anyone traveling to see us still amazes me.
Hannah’s birthday day Saturday but we celebrated today because there wasn’t really too much time to prepare for one Saturday.
She’s 8! Sprouting up like a weed and growing up too fast. *sigh* The baby isn’t a baby anymore!
Well, I guess I’m off….cheerio, mates!
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