The bus, the road - almost home!
Mom’s being really brave and driving the bus through Connecticut, through the highway right around the city. I’m so proud of her. : ) She is doing great. We’re headed home now, and I won’t post this until we get home. Wireless is a beautiful thing.
We had a packed weekend of concerts and a few nice surprises a long the way!
We sang at our normal stop, Modern Maturity in Delaware and ate a delicious meal after with 500 seniors and picked up the drum stool we left their last time. So now we’re carrying three drum stools and no drummer.
; )
Hannah girl likes taking pictures.
Once in a while we actually catch a candid shot. ;-)
That evening we went to set up for the next concert in NJ. As we were out talking to Daniel a big converted coach drives by on the road with a trailer. Interesting. This is important because a few minutes before the concert starts this rather large looking family is at the back of the church. It was the Wissmanns from Nebraska! It was their bus! For those who don’t know about them, the Wissmanns are a large music family who travel and sing, and sing quite well if I do say so! I enjoy listening to their cd a lot. Some of us wanted to go rush em’ and shake hands and all, but mom made us stay seated. : P We had not met them previously in person before this, only through the computer and a few phone calls. They were really neat to meet and greet afterward. We had a great time!! If you are reading this you guys, thanks again for coming and singing a song for us! We enjoyed your short visit!
Mrs. Wissmann was out putting the little babies to sleep so she missed this picture. : (
The busses…
Daniel and Abigail came on Saturday night.
Guess who came to our Sunday morning concert? ; ) We made it over to Mantua in good time and set up. It was great being back, but it felt a little different since we hadn’t been on the road 6-7 weeks before we got there. But, we are all still ready to go home, the last week is always like that. : P It’s gotta be a mental thing.
Melody E. and Daniel took pics…..
Thanks guys. : )
Afterward, Pastor E told us a joke….to get us smiling for our annual photo…
Ok, cheese everyone!
We said goodbye and left. As we traveled we discussed all the experiences we had on this trip and said this was definitely a fun trip! We enjoyed the hospitality of so many nice people, met new friends and enjoyed the company of old ones. We are delighted as the Lord has blessed us with so many sweet people.
Till we get home…..; )
Edit: we arrived home yesterday!
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