Seth & I on the bus for the Winter Tour 2012!
We are enjoying our second trip married.
Thanks, Hannah for the photo :)
Oh wow. New Years Day has come and gone. Christmas has come and gone. Sorry for all the silence. :blush: I have been up to my ears in mixing down our new album. It's a TON of work. Seth has been a hero and sat next to me and helped me. I wouldn't have finished if it wasn't for him. Speaking of Seth, he had a birthday on Christmas day. :)
He had fun opening all the "weird" packaging, and special instruction with the gift (like "case [of said gift] not included")

We had a lovely singing at the nursing home that morning and eating together with friends for lunch. We had cheese cake on special request of the birthday man.
In my spare moments I've been writing "thank you" note for our second reception. Only have about 3 or 4 left.
In my VERY spare time I've been learning how to make yoyos! I made my first few out of some silk and lining from some stained pants from our local thrift[store]. It was going to be thrown out. Obviously I only used the non-stained portions in my yoyos. It's a lot of fun to think how many different unique fabrics that would normally just be thrown away would make gorgeous quilts. That's probably how quilting started anyway, old clothing fabrics reused. Nowadays we have lots of beautiful, lush (uh, expensive) fabrics to choose from and there are so many cool projects if you have all the money in the world. But, I'm not sure it beats the thrill of upcycling!
Hannah and I cut out a bunch to work on while we're traveling this winter.

These are mostly old nightgowns. Haha. The recycling never ends! ;)
Ok. I gotta go now because Matthew needs to teach me one more thing to finish the album. Ahhhhhhhh....I will be so happy when this is OVER. :D
P.S. Happy New Year!