July 31, 2009

Hi everyone! I really can't believe August is tomorrow. Time is FLYING and fall tour of '09 is coming up quickly!! This past week has been SO busy. Much busier than any week this summer. It's so interesting how the Lord works out schedules so much differently than you thought or expected. :) And, His plans are better than ours. Much.

A friend from PA come up to visit me recently and we had many adventures. I've uploaded some photos from our visit here if you'd like to see what we were up to.

I've got a pile of MFS work to do today, including a new website design and lunch is waiting so I'd better go....

Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Psalm 96:1 NIV

July 21, 2009

July is here already! It's totally amazing how quickly time flies. I thought I'd better get over and blog about the Twinny Tote give-away before it was too late!


Check out Amber and Angela's cuuuute totes while you're over at their site while entering for your chance!

July 15, 2009

I have a few photos here from our trip over to Hull a week or two ago. Thoroughly bored of the men-folk-talk in the front seat I experimented...


Some foot "art"


More playing with the telephoto



I normally don't do bright colors like this, but it just seems to work. And, it just SCREAMS Esther Zimmerman. :D

And this is my reaction to the discussion about folks who refusing to shoot the over populated flocks of Canadian Geese in our state. If we have too many of these cuties quality of life will go down for them. So...that's a theory anyway.


I almost have a post ready featuring the cinnamon bread from weeks ago.... but it's still in the "oven". : P

Have a good night!

July 13, 2009

I had things to blog about this past weekend but I feel like I've been running nonstop since Friday. I finally sat down and caught my breath tonight. Home feels good but I'm seriously wanting to get on the road. September can't come fast enough!! Well, actually I can wait. Who really wants to be 25 already? I think I'll save my birthday for next year. :D Anyway, Long Island was this weekend and it was great. However, we did have a fun time keeping off the parkways. Wheee!! I wish there was a place to plug in 'no parkways' or maybe your vehicle height on the GPS.

An Island rose.

More later (....you should be grateful I'm cutting this short tonight as I might tell you in detail an account of the semi-boring finance committee meeting we attended tonight.... :nods:)

Gooooooood night! :)

July 07, 2009

Lunch is over. The dishes are done. Laundry is on the line (under the porch). It's threatening to rain. We actually had 5 days in a row in which we saw the sun. Praise the LORD. This is major break through. Hallelujah. Dad didn't believe me when I said there was a verse about it being pleasant to see the sun. He reminded me of Psalm 133 instead. You can go look that up. But here's the sun verse:

Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun.
Ecclesiastes 11:7 niv

Amen and amen.

Anyway, I can't go out and weed and so before I go off to Hazel's today and rush back to make pizza for my hungry masses I'm in charge of here's the reason the police chopper was circling over head Sunday night. Please be in pray for the family of Devin Wright, an 11 year old girl who fell into the river less than a mile from our home. You can find the news story here. Our prayers are with her family during this heartbreaking time. : (

This is another reminder of how fragile life is. No one knows how long they have left. Meet your maker before you have to.

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14 niv