August 25, 2006


This is what the situation looks like at the moment.

It’s cloudy and rainy.

Our old engine has broken ring(s?) in the oil pan. Dad thought we had the kit to fix that. He thinks there is something else wrong as well, he mentioned something but I can‘t remember the name of it, but, he‘s not sure. Something about drive shaft bearings. ?? Anyway, we’re running out of time. One week from tomorrow was/is our departure date. We were given notice that the backhoe, which we’ve been using to move the engine, must be out of sight from the road and abutters properties by today (thanks to a town bi-law which is only enforced when someone complains!). The place we have to park it to comply with the town is being blocked by the bus which we, as of now, can’t move. Praying for leniency and more time!

We canceled the concert for today. We are suppose to be doing the music for a local church on Sunday morning. Please pray that things work out as far as transportation goes since the van is broken and the car, which is acting up also, is not big enough for all of us (let alone sound equipment!). We might be piano and vocals only Sunday.

This whole experience is pretty faith stretching!!

"And we know....." Romans 2:28

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