This verse was illustrated so vividly to me when my dad was talking about selling the bus. Dad's dream, which he had given to us, of traveling on a bus and singing was fading as he talked about the pressure, the responsibility, his health issues, etc. But even so how could dad even talk about selling the bus? Wasn't this our dream, our vision, our lively hood? I remember quoting this verse to mom. Our hope was deferred and it was making us sick! After much prayer and fasting the Lord helped us get through all that and bus stayed and the music ministry is still intact. I was elated! Going though all that I don't take riding the bus for granted anymore. This bus is a precious gift the Lord has entrusted to us for the time being. As I look back I think of that time as the Lord testing us to prepare us for a more full time ministry. He was seeing if we would (I would!) lean on Him in all situations, even if it looked like everything was going to fall apart and our hearts were sick. Looking at all the churches, nursing homes we've been able to minister in, all the people we've been able to pray for, and the CD project which has gone places we've never been, it's all been worth it. It has been a tree of life. It's produced fruit and we're so thankful to the Lord for His leading and provision!
I also realized, with the help of a friend that selling the bus would by no means take away my ministry opportunities. There would just be different opportunities without a bus!
So, go out and do whatever God has called YOU to do, I know He will supply all your needs to do the job!
(That wasn't going to be so long, but it just turned out that way....)
I was going to blog last night, but I was SO tired. All this TV stuff can really wear you out. : P For those who don't keep up with Bonnie's blog we were the featured guests on a local tv show yesterday. (I missed you Bonnie, welcome back!!)
We had smooth sailing setting up even though the sound man showed up 20 minutes before we were scheduled to start. Our producer informed us when we got there we might have to tape this show and play it at a later date. Turns out dad had all the good ideas and equipment we needed and we were able to be aired LIVE! In the few minutes before we were set to start we'd get reminders from a loud speaker. 'Five minutes', 'two minutes', '30 seconds and you're on'! It was neat. Apparently this show is use to punk rock groups and jazz ensembles. I'm sure we were quite a shock! Though we were encouraged to hear that some people complain about the artists they have on the show. : P So, who knows. The boys smiled more than I have ever seen at a concert due to some dancing camera operators, it was so funny! Here's are some pre show pictures.

Another classic Nathan and pretty Bonnie!
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